Tuesday, September 9, 2014

League Ready

Now that football season is in full effect I'm excited to see the new stars of college football and their journey to the NFL draft. I have an opportunity to watch the draft process before my eyes as my younger brother is entering his Junior year at the University of Maryland. I have watched Stefon play football his entire life and I can say that it was never dull watching him play. Now that he plays Division 1 football, the game has become a little less enjoyable because the possibility of injury is very real. Football is a dangerous sport and one play could end your career. Those that are lucky enough to make it to the NFL still may be plagued by injury. Jadeveon Clowney was the number one pick during the draft last year and now he is out with a torn meniscus. It makes you wonder if there is something more that the college trainers could be doing to help players get ready for the league.


  1. I wish your brother well as he pursues his football career and his dreams. With rewards comes risk and no one knows this more than professional athletes.

  2. I am still learning the sport of american football but I have noticed that is an intense sport that requires both mental and physical discipline that tests the limits of a person. I for once even thought I have met your brother I already have respect for him for being successful in a sport that requires a lot of athleticism to be drafted into Division 1 football. Now the next time Maryland plays I will play close attention to see your brother killing it in the field.

  3. You make a perfect point. It is great to see people play any sport at the highest level. However, most people do not realise that there's a big risk someone takes when (s)he goes professional. Long-term or recurring injuries will not only keep you away from playing and training with your mates, but can bring you down as you can't continue playing a sport that you love. I've had to deal with this personally myself. So yes, I perfectly understand your fear of him getting injured, and athough there are some exercises players are put through to reduce the risk of getting injured, grave injuries can occur out of pure accidents.

  4. Porsche, I agree, football is definitely an intense sport and injuries are very serious. I'm a fan of the Redskins, and it has been hard to seen RGIII go through all his injuries. He was out for the majority of last season and now he is injured again, but I am a strong believe in comebacks! And best of luck to your brother! UMD has a great football team.

  5. Porsche, your blog post addresses the reality of Division 1 football. It is a fast-paced, hard-hitting game that will need increased medical technology and attention in the coming years to keep it alive and thriving. There may need to be some significant rule changes to the game to protect players that could potentially change how the game is played. It truIy is a small world though; I did not realize that Stefon was your brother! I have some friends at College Park who used to hang out and play pick-up basketball with him.
